I found a few shells on the low tide flats off the Sanibel causeway but the ROSEATE SPOONBILLS in yesterday’s post Roseate Spoonbills at Sanibel Causeway Video really stole the show. I still want to show you this small POINTED VENUS bivalve I found, especially after Christine Kieffer wanted to know what kind of shells were out there.
There were quite a few with both valves still attached that were laying on top of the muck but when I picked them up to take a photo, I unintentionally broke them apart. Oops! Here’s the interior of this one but all of them didn’t have this dark purple. Some were plain white.
I didn’t find tons of shells but while I was filming the ROSEATES, my flip flops were getting sucked into the muck so I took them off to go barefoot and almost stepped on several little baby HORSESHOE CRABS. So as I had the camera pointed at the birds, I had to keep my eye on not stepping on the live critters. I even saw a few live MARGINELLAS…
I videoed the HORSESHOE CRABS since I got tickled with them scooting along trying to make me slosh around them. You’ll notice just a few empty shells here and there but the live critters were the real finds of the day.
Just a couple more days and there I will be. I always stop on the causeway on the way over. Really hope to see the spoonbills as they were so pretty in your shots and video. Counting the hours now!!!
luvluvluv those baby horeshoe crabs!!! You have a knack to be able to find the coolest “stuff” on Sanibel!!!
Pam has the eye for all the cool stuff!
So cool! Really fascinating. Thank you for showing footage of the causeway sea life. I continue to marvel at all the wonders the world has to offer!
Very nice Anomalocardia cuneimeris. They don’t usually get bigger than about 18 mm (a bit less than 3/4 of an inch) so I think the ones you found are not very small really.
The live marginellas are great too!
Thanks Pam.
Only 25 more days till we leave for our trip to Sanibel. Love those baby Horseshoe crabs.
Me too, first week of November—Sanibel here I come………..
I’m going to need one of those headlight hats, Pam. Can they be bought somewhere on the island?
wow! the clarity is great. is this with your new panasonic?