Beached boat

When there’s a really low tide,  it’s not so unusual to see a beached boat….. but it’s always an interesting site. The good news is that the family that beached this boat is home safely. The guy that’s in the boat works at the boat rental company and is waiting for the tide to come in so he can get the boat back to his dock. I’d hate to see the bill that family gets.

Vanessa, Brian and Jennica (Illinois)

I didn’t meet that “boating” family but I did meet a shelling family. It was lots of fun hearing the stories that Vanessa told me from her years vacationing at Song of the Sea on Sanibel learning about shelling from her mother. She is now enjoying shelling with her daughter Jennica (and her husband Brian) to show them the trick to look for BUBBLE SHELLS because they are a good sign that you will find WENTLETRAPS. Vanessa had those wentles along with some OLIVES and APPLE MUREXES tucked away in her shell bag but here’s some other minis Brian was finding.

Brian's miniature seashells

These are pictures from shelling at low tide on Friday night. Our keepers were similar to Brian’s plus a few wentles too but I didn’t get a chance to post them because we took at little weekend trip down to Key West for Lobsterfest! Weehoo! We had a really good time and saw a gorgeous sunset from Mallory Square that I will post tomorrow. For now, much needed rest. zzzzzz.