Paradise found on Captiva

Look at those shells! I heard that the shells were building up again yesterday on Captiva at Blind Pass but I missed the chance to get down there….but I didn’t miss it today. The shells really started to come in around 6 pm today. MUREXES, WHELKS, OLIVES, CONCHS and lots of bright SCALLOPS were being washed on the shore with each wave.

Anna and Patrick (Chicago)

Patrick and Anna come to Sanibel to “decompress” each year . They stock up on shells to take back to their nieces and nephews so they hit the right spot today. Patrick found this adorable teeny, tiny FLAT SCALLOP but I think he’ll end up keeping that one for himself.

Patrick's very small Flat Scallop

Clark and I found a handful of our type of keepers….. colorful minis. Look at that yellow SCALLOP!

Colorful shells -scallops, horse conchs and a tulip

Guess who we ran into again?  Richard and Anne France from my Sea Turtle Nesting post on June 6. They were the ones that watched the mamma turtle lay her eggs. They told me that they were there at Blind Pass yesterday when the high tide was bringing in really nice TULIPS and lots of larger shells. They came back today and had great luck again. Anne France even found a LIGHTNING WHELK around 6 inches big. I know where I’ll be tomorrow too- Blind Pass.

Richard and Anne France at Blind Pass